But How Are You, Really?
If you ask me how I'm doing you are likely to hear me say, "I'm okay." But...how I'm really doing is so much more complicated than a quick reply to a passing question. I'm in a rough patch. It's been going on since school started at the beginning of September. Even though Mr. Amazing does the entire morning routine while I sleep, somehow I'm at least as exhausted as he is, possibly more. Whether or not I'm in charge of getting the clones off to school in the morning or not, school season brings with it a lot more activity. Our days are fuller. Or their days are fuller. And somehow it's affecting me, regardless of how involved I am in the busy. I can't get back to my base level of sick. Maybe it's all the car rides and the fact that the clones actually need clean clothes so the laundry has to be done. Maybe it's the way we end up juggling dinners around soccer schedules. Maybe it's all the blood draws and doctor app...